Hand Sewing 101
DIY Blind hemming with Sandhya Garg
Hi guys, Thank you so much for joining me first of all, my name is Sandhya Garg. Some of you might remember me from Project Runway season 13. I had a time of my life, and at present I designed printed dresses, resort wear dresses or special occasion dresses, I make my own prints, I make my own fabric, I hand draw, I paint, I photograph, I combine everything and create gorgeous fabrics inspired from my world travels, from folklore, from architecture from people from stories that really inspire me. And fashion has been my passion since I was eight years old. You know, I didn't even understand what fashion was back then. But I loved clothes. And even till date. Now I actually dream about clothes. I dream about patterns about brains about color. So it's my obsession.

You guys are here with us. If you want to check out my work, you can check it out on my website. It's just my name, www dot Sandhya garg.com I will spell that out. It's it's quite exotic. www dot Sandhya sndhygrg.com I make I create one of a kind dresses, clothes jackets hand woven stuff. Gorgeous hand embroidery machine embroidery is done by heritage craftsmen. And you know it's it's truly one of a kind stuff. You guys have joined me here today to for me to show you how to blind him. I just went live on Instagram. So you know I did a bit on my Instagram Live. If you guys are an Instagram, follow me on Instagram as well you know, put up beautiful, colorful stuff every day. That's very inspiring. And I'm wearing a top from one of my own collections. It's my design from Mexico collection. It's called hula tops super pretty super comfortable. Gorgeous pleated fabric and painted printed sleeves.
So now that Scott's done, if you guys have any have any questions, drop them in comments below. And I'll get to them. I'll go live every week on Wednesdays at 10. So you know if I don't get to your question now, it's going to be answered next week. Or if you drop me an email I would answer you know, I would respond to your email. So any questions with regards to fashion Project Runway, getting into a good Fashion College any any discussion about fashion fabric, embroideries, sewing, I'm your person, trust me. In India, we live breathe fashion, you know why I see people weaving and creating things all around me. So it's textile is all around me. So kind of, you know, seen the thing.

Here's let Okay, let's start hand hemming. Tip number one. If so, I just have a regular of you know, thread that you get. It's a polyester thread, you guys can use a cotton thread if you want. It's the same thing. So kotlin goes great with cotton. If you're handling something in cotton, that would be good with a cotton thread. And in something in cotton would be your denims or a cotton poplin shirt, you're okay using a cotton thread with that. Otherwise polyester thread is fine if you're not to thinking too much about the environment. But you know, that's another story and that's another time we can have that conversation. So again, I've got this regular thread and if your fabric is medium to heavy weight, when I say medium weight, this is about a medium weight fabric. You know, I could make a thin dress pants out of it that's medium made, I could make a shirt out of it. That's medium weight.

If this is somewhat lightweight, it's chiffon it's see through, you know, you can see through the fabric, it's super light, it feels like air. So that's a lightweight fabric or a super lightweight fabric. And heavy fabrics are your denims well bits, you know they are really taken heavy. So if you have a medium to a heavy weight fabric, you want to double your thread. So this is a double thread right here. So you want to double your thread. If you have a lightish light medium weight fabric then you you care okay with a single thread. So in that case, I would thread myself needle, not one end and let other NBI would let it be loose. So I started here with some stitches, but we do it again. So if you can see I'm using a contrast thread, not because I have bad taste, but because I want to show you the contrast in stitching. So you know, can you see all the stitches here? Okay, so I'm turning it away from the camera. Can you see all the stitches here, but you don't see much here. So that's blind hemming. And if you use a black thread, you won't be able to see any anything much over here. So blind hemming is perfect for your dress pants. For your beautiful dresses, skirts, there's a lot to him. Yes, but it works. It works and it lasts long.

And I would say keep your stitch length about half a centimeter or a quarter of inch, or about five millimeters, whatever measurement system works for you. So I just took my knot through this hole right here. So assuming this is the hem of my pants, or skirt or whatever, I double folded it. This is one inch, but you can make it half an inch, one centimeter, how much ever big you want your hand to be. It does not matter with blind I mean, yeah, you cannot have a completely thin edge because that would make it extremely hard for the finishing to look better. So I would recommend at least having a one centimeter ham for blind him double folded under pressing or ironing it steaming it would give you a very nice looking edge and then we start our blind hemming. So I took my let me just restart. So I'm gonna cut this and start afresh so this is my double Threadneedle. I knotted, so I just take it in my finger. That's it. I noticed some people do. You know, they just take the fabric through. Let me show you that we also if you cannot it properly. I'm taking it through this fold right here.

Fabric is super black. Can you see that? Through this fabrics fold? Again, if you have any question, you know, just drop it in the comments below. And then that you cannot see the knot. It's inside here. You see that? So super, and it looks super polished and well finished here. This is great for your dress pants for your dresses, for your formal skirts, your own wedding dresses. If you stitch wedding dresses, you want to finish your scenes. This is a great way to do that. A lot of couturiers are hand hammers, you know, hand sewing, hand finishing, this is the Bible of hand sewing, right here, the blind hem. So I've got my stage. And you can take a double stitch right here to make sure your thread is skewed. So what's the double stitch, I take my tech thing, the same stitch from the same place twice. Now my thread is super strong. So we do that. And then I'm going to just take one, one stitch from the back side of the fabric. This is the him and the other one. From the hem fold, you see that? Let me bring it close to the camera. Do you see that? And then I just pull my needle. That's it. That's it. You can see the sticks here. But you see nothing on this side. And it's stitched. Let me do a few. And also, you know I'm right handed. So if you're left handed, figure out your comfort zone. You know how you want to start stitching your blind him, because that would make a ton of difference. Again, that the same thing, literally picked one thread from my base fabric and one thread from the fold. And that's about it. Let me do a few. And if you guys have any questions, you can just drop those questions in the comments. I don't know if I let me see if I can see any questions here. Okay, okay, this is my first time going live on Facebook. I'll figure it out. I promise you, I'll figure it out. It's
gonna get better.

So if you're typing anything in sending me any questions, and I'm not answering it, because I'm not seeing anything at my site, but if I see anything I'm going to respond and feel free to drop an email. I would email you back, for sure. So right here, if you see that can you see So each stitches about half a centimeter or a quarter of an inch long. And slowly but surely you kind of perfected. I've been doing it for a very long time. So I could do this in my sleep, honestly.
See, so this is my blind hem stitching right here. If the thread was black on black, you wouldn't even see it inside. So just because the thread is a contrast color, you see it here. And you see nothing on the other side. Nothing at all. And it's blind. Can you see? It's perfect, perfect for your dresses,
dress pants, jacket, sleeves, jacket, ham. What else skirts, anything under the sun, you know, anything? And if, if this seems hard, you want something simpler to do, you can simply do a running him. So running him would be just, you know, taking my needle with the fabric like that. Can you see it, and then just pulling my needle. That's all. And you can actually do it real fast. Just just go like that, that Yeah. And pay, pick several stitches in one go. And that's a running stitch. This works great, too. It's just not as pretty as blind him. If you do it black on black, you'll just see little dashes of black thread. And that's it. And once you're done with it, you take some fabric and you not your thread. Let me show you how to end it. So you do that. And then probably I can go again through take my needle through this thread. Okay, did it.
And that's it. All done. You're all done. You're hems all done. You're ready to go out so this is the running stitch him right here. That kind of looks not that nice. And this is blind him. See, you see nothing. And if it's black on black, can you see the quality of stitches inside? If it's black on black, it's even better you see nothing. It's called a blind him because it's blind from outside and inside you see nothing. So that's about it. Let me know if you have any questions. And don't forget to join me next week. Thank you so much for your patience. Thank you for waiting while I figured out my Facebook, but I promise you it'll be better next time. Thank you so much. Thank you for joining me Bye guys. Don't forget to check out my website www.sandiego.com for one of a kind, wearable art, gorgeous dresses, jackets, tops and skirts. It's handmade hand woven fabrics and embroideries. Beautiful stuff. Thank you for joining me. Okay enough to figure out how to end it. Oh, it's
right here.
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